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Average Pass Percentage Rates for OECS Countries in CXC CSEC English and Mathematics, 1991 to 1997

English Mathematics
Rank Country Average Seven-Year Pass Percentage Rank Country Average Seven-Year Pass Percentage
1 Cayman Islands 81.50 1 Cayman Islands 87.76
2 Netherland A. 69.64 2 Netherland A. 68.97
3 B.V.I 67.20 3 B.V.I 61.29
4 Montserrat 60.29 4 Barbados 48.24
5 Barbados 51.72 5 Montserrat 45.64
6 Antigua 48.53 6 St.Kitts and Nevis 45.56
7 St.Lucia 43.26 7 St. Lucia 41.25
8 Dominica 41.51 8 St.Vincent 37.17
9 St.Vincent 41.21 9 Belize 36.71
10 St.Kitts and Nevis 40.46 10 Dominica 34.76
11 Belize 36.91 11 Grenada 33.99
12 Trinidad and Tobago 35.66 12 Trinidad and Tobago 33.76
13 Anguilla 35.52 13 Antigua 32.47
14 Turks and C. 34.65 14 Turks and C. 26.47
15 Jamaica 29.61 15 Jamaica 25.35
16 Grenada 27.42 16 Anguilla 23.75
17 Guyana 12.46 17 Guyana 17.11
All Countries 44.56 All Countries 41.19
Source: Organization of Eastern Caribbean States

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